
EFA grows with powerful associates
EFA International Transport carries all sea, air, and land freights in the field of import and export with the powerful networks, in which it acts as a member, and global container operators, with which it has entered into agreements, from one corner to another corner of the world. 

eyup_tugtag_efaEyüp Tuğtağ, owner of the firm, says, “By acting as a ‘bridge’ between the worldwide chartered carriers and international networks, we undertake to provide service to our customers in the most efficient manner.” 
EFA International Transport whose Head Office is situated in Istanbul continues its works with its expert, young, and dynamic staff under the management of the professionals who have strong experiences in the logistics sector. Eyüp Tuğtağ, owner of the firm, says that by acting as a ‘bridge’ between the worldwide chartered carriers and international networks, they undertake to provide service to their customers in the most efficient manner. Tuğtağ says, “Thanks to the networks in which we are a member, as Logistic Cargo Networks, China Logistics Club Limited, United Forwarders Network, Multinational Forwarders Networks, Freight Net, Focused Cargo Network, JC Trans, Shenzhen GLA, Global Value Network, One Global Association, Planet Logistics Network, Freight Network Corporation, GLIK Group, and Advanced International Networks, we are providing services to our customers wanting to conduct the transport of import and export. Thanks to the agreements we entered into with the biggest container line operators of the world, like MSC, CMA-CGM, Maersk, Csav Norasia, Cosco, and OOOCL, we are providing container shipment services from the ports of Turkey to the ports of the world and from the ports of the world to Turkey’s ports by providing price alternatives to our customers. Through alternative lines and carriers, we are providing best services to our customers with the fastest manner and through lowest prices.” 
Stating that they are providing services to many sectors, ranging from textiles, to machinery, from electronics to cosmetics, Eyüp Tuğtağ lists the regions where they conduct transport services intensely as the Far East, particularly the Chinese ports, and the Middle East, the US, Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, and Australia. Tuğtağ underlines that they are able to respond to the demands with affordable costs especially regarding the land transport thanks to their associates in Europe and says, “Import and export as well as the customs services for the transit trade of goods are provided by a team consisting of professionals in a reliable, modern, and fast manner as well as full compliance with the legislation. We also provide consultancy and guidance services about the legal requirements for customs laws and regulations.”  
Eyüp Tuğtağ specifies that they are aiming to increase their trading volume in 2017 by considering their success in 2016 as a sublimit and says: “We are working for a fast and reliable delivery through the most affordable freight fees by keeping the customer satisfaction and service quality on the foreground at all times. In all businesses of us, we act honestly and transparently and establish a long term relation based on trust. We undertake constant development of our colleagues while closely keeping track of the latest technological developments. We do not only meet the expectations of the customers, we are also advancing in firm steps toward being a global company that adds value to its employees and country.” 
EFA güçlü iş ortaklarıyla büyüyor 
EFA Uluslararası Taşımacılık, üyesi olduğu güçlü network ağları ve anlaşma yaptığı global konteyner operatörleriyle ithalat ve ihracat alanındaki tüm deniz, hava ve karayolu yüklemelerini dünyanın bir ucundan bir ucuna taşıyor. Firma Sahibi Eyüp Tuğtağ, “Dünya çapında sözleşmeli taşıyıcılar ve uluslararası network ağları arasında 'köprü' görevi görerek müşterilerimize en verimli şekilde hizmet vermeyi taahhüt ediyoruz” diyor. Tekstilden makineye, elektronikten kozmetiğe kadar birçok sektöre hizmet sunduklarını belirten Eyüp Tuğtağ, yoğun olarak taşıma yaptıkları bölgeleri ise başta Çin limanları olmak üzere Uzakdoğu, Ortadoğu, Amerika, Avrupa, Akdeniz, Afrika ve Avustralya olarak sıralıyor. Avrupa’da faaliyet gösteren ortakları sayesinde özellikle de karayolu taşımacılığına yönelik taleplere en uygun maliyetlerle cevap verebildiklerinin altını çizen Tuğtağ, şunları aktarıyor: “İthalat ve ihracat ile malların transit ticareti için gümrükleme hizmetleri, profesyonellerden oluşan bir ekip tarafından güvenilir, modern ve hızlı bir şekilde ve mevzuata tam uyum içinde sağlanmaktadır. Gümrük kanunlarına ve düzenlemelerine uygun yasal gereksinimler konusunda danışmanlık ve rehberlik hizmeti de veriyoruz.” 
Atalar Dist. Atalar St. No.27/D Kartal - Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel: +90 216 387 6 387
Fax: +90 216 488 8 510
E-mail: info@efanakliyat.com.tr


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