
Mars Logistics loved "GREEN"
Mars Logistics, establishing a strong intermodal transport network between Trieste and Luxembourg in connection with Turkish ports, runs 4 container trains per week between Germany and Turkey. Ali Tulgar, General Manager of Mars Logistics, explained that they have been working to increase the number of runs and to set up a new intermodal line, and said "Providing environmentally friendly logistic services enables us being a preference for customers and creates us a prestigious company profile".

ali_tulgar_mars_logistics“As Mars Logistics, our transportation to Europe by road has a share of over 90% in all of our land based operations. In the case of air and sea transportation, Europe comes second after the Far East. We are working on further development of our new intermodal line between Germany and Turkey in 2017. We are continuing feasibility studies for a new intermodal service at a different point. On the other hand, "Green Logistics" is our most important agenda item. We shall continue to work in this regard.”
What is the importance of the European line for Mars Logistics?
Our country is located in an important position in Europe with its road transport fleet. As Mars Logistics, we provide an excellent service in road transport with our fleet consisting of approximately 1900 units of vehicle. With our expertise in intermodal, we run 12 round-trip trains weekly between Italy and Luxembourg. We are distributing our trailers from Luxembourg to Europe with our trucks. We also have a container train running 4 times a week between Germany and Turkey. Our goal is to increase the frequency in these lines. We aim to expand our vehicle park consisting of approximately 1900 vehicles and 400 45' containers parallel to these frequencies.
What sort of gains have you achieved so far with the intermodal transport service you have developed?
As Mars Logistics, we have been offering intermodal transportation service since 2012, which stands out in the sector in terms of "Green Logistics" and "Sustainability". We offer this service to many sectors such as automotive, food, textile, chemistry, energy, cosmetics. This is a system that is frequently preferred by our customers because of its environment friendly approach and its service at optimum transit times. Above all, it reduces carbon dioxide emissions in road transport to a minimum which is most important to us.
Trailers arriving from Trieste in Italy via maritime route from Turkey via this line reach Luxembourg via railway. At present, train services between Trieste and Bettembourg, which make 12 round trips per week, carry the freights from various locations in Turkey with trailers. After reaching Trieste from the ports of Istanbul, Izmir and Mersin by sea, the trailers continue on the railway and arrive at various destinations in Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, England, France and Germany, after passing through the Multimodal terminal in Bettembourg. Since the use of roadway is minimal, an environmentally friendly transport mode is being achieved. With this intermodal mode, we offer our customers an alternative mode of transport and a minimum of 36% reduction in carbon emissions. The "Green Logistics" concept has become increasingly important in our industry. As it is in the whole world, the end consumers in Turkey now demand that the goods or the services they purchase are eco-friendly. This forces all companies to be sensitive in this regard. Providing eco-friendly logistics services makes you preferred company for customers and creates a prestigious company profile. We, as Mars Logistics, are committed to exhibiting an environmentally sustainable performance in our activities and in all our services.
What are your growth plans for the European line?
As Mars Logistics, our transportation to Europe by road has a share of over 90% in all of our land based operations. In the case of air and sea transportation, Europe comes second after the Far East. We are working on further development of our new intermodal line between Germany and Turkey in 2017. We are continuing feasibility studies for a new intermodal service at a different point. On the other hand, "Green Logistics" is our most important agenda item. We shall continue to work in this regard.
What are the main problems of logistics companies in European transport and what are your solutions for them?
The biggest problem is that the UBAK documents that have been issued for years are not sufficient. Over 35,000 vehicles in Turkey operate in our land trade with Europe. However, the number of UBAK books in the sector is 2.500 and they are not valid in every country. This figure needs to be increased rapidly.
Another problem is the requirement predominantly applied to the Turkish companies to cross over Austria, which is on the route towards Northern Europe. Thus, Turkish transporters going to the north at this point are entering a bottleneck and experiencing delays. The negotiations between the Austrian government and the authorities continue but no solution has yet been found.
Unofficial slowdowns and penalties imposed on Turkish vehicles by Bulgarian authorities during border crossings with Bulgaria have been experienced especially in 2016 and still continue. Turkey's exports are also suffering because of these practices which slow down our exits and causing for example queues over 10 km every week in Kapıkule. The negotiations with the Bulgarian government continues.
Türkiye limanlarıyla bağlantılı olarak Trieste –Lüksemburg arasında güçlü bir intermodal taşımacılık ağı kuran Mars Logistics, Almanya – Türkiye arasında ise haftada 4 sefer konteyner treni çalıştırıyor. “Yeşil lojistik” ve “sürdürülebilirlik” yönleriyle öne çıkan intermodal taşımacılık hizmetlerini 2012 yılında buyana kullandıklarını vurgulayan Mars Logistics Genel Müdürü Ali Tulgar, şunları aktarıyor: “Bu hat ile Türkiye’den denizyoluyla İtalya Trieste’ye gelen römorklar, demir yoluyla Lüksemburg’a ulaşıyor. Şu an için haftada gidiş - dönüş 12 sefer yapan Trieste ile Bettembourg arasındaki tren seferleri, Türkiye’deki çeşitli yerlerden alınan yükleri, römorklarla taşıyor. Römorklar, İstanbul, İzmir ve Mersin limanlarından gemi yoluyla Trieste’ye ulaştıktan sonra, trenle yola devam ediyor ve Bettembourg Multimodal terminalinden geçtikten sonra, Lüksemburg, Belçika, Hollanda, İngiltere, Fransa ve Almanya’daki çeşitli varış yerlerine ulaşıyor. Karayolu kullanımını minimum düzeyde olduğu için çevre dostu bir taşıma modu gerçekleşmiş oluyor. Hayata geçirdiğimiz intermodal ile müşterilerimize alternatif bir taşıma modu sunmuş oluyoruz hem de karbon emisyonlarında minimum %36 oranında azalma sağlıyoruz. “Yeşil Lojistik” kavramı sektörümüzde giderek daha fazla önem kazandı. Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi artık Türkiye’deki nihai tüketiciler de satın aldıkları malların ya da aldıkları hizmetlerin çevreye dost olmasını talep ediyor. Bu da tüm firmaları bu konuda hassas olmaya zorluyor. Çevre dostu lojistik hizmet vermek hem müşteriler açısından tercih sebebi olmanızı sağlıyor hem de prestijli bir şirket profili çiziyor. Bizler de Mars Logistics olarak faaliyetlerimizde ve tüm hizmet süreçlerimizde çevreci ve sürdürülebilir bir performans sergilemeye özen gösteriyoruz.” Almanya ve Türkiye arasında yeni bir intermodal hattı açmak için çalışma yürüttüklerinin altını çizen Tulgar, “Yeşil Lojistik bizim en önemli gündem maddemiz. Bu alanlara yönelik çalışmalarımız sürecek” diyor. 


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